SLS Centre

How to Cancel

Follow this guide to cancel a registration or upcoming class booking.

Important Note

Our system currently does not allow same-day cancellations. To withdraw from a class on the day it is scheduled, please email with your full name, the class name, and the class time.

Thank you!

Navigate to and click login on the upper right corner of the site. Log in to your ActiveNet account.
Click on the Transactions and Payment History section of your account. This will take you to a page with receipts for all the classes you have registered for.
Find the class you wish to withdraw from, and click on the withdraw button.
Choose a reason for cancellation, and then click withdraw.
Make sure you click finish to finalize the cancellation! You should receive an email that confirms your cancellation.
Double check your confirmation to make sure everything is good!
Congratulations!You have successfully cancelled your booking. Good job!